Rendering and related processes play a central role in squeezing nutritional and other value out of the chicken waste such as carcasses, bones, offal, feathers – which are not intended for human consumption.

The principle is simple : Instead of simply throwing out leftovers from meat, poultry and fish production, break this waste down into its constituent parts – including proteins, minerals, ingredients and fuels we can use...
We help make this all happen, by providing the specialist equipment and knowhow it takes to keep rendering a safe, healthy and financially viable activity.

Ecorole offers customized solutions and equipment that make your chicken waste rendering plant more profitable and sustainable.

We design, develop and supply both processes and equipment for chicken waste rendering. Our solutions focus on efficient utilization of raw materials and energy, as well as on product quality, regulatory conformance and environmental impact.

How Rendering System Works ?

Poultry production produces a lot of waste like carcasses, bones, offal, feathers, fat and blood. This waste can be processed and transformed into valuable products rich in proteins, minerals and oils.

The processing of the poultry by-products starts with raw material handling, followed by heat treatment to reduce the moisture content and to kill micro-organisms. Separation of the melted oil from the solids (protein) is achieved through draining and pressing. The solid fraction is then ground into a powder, such as whole meal, poultry meat meal, feather meal, blood meal and poultry oils.

Chicken Waste Rendering Plant :
Poultry dressing or slaughter results in waste which is almost 30 % of live bird weight. All the waste resulting from processing is pressure cooked, sterilized & rendered into a sterilized meat meal.
The process of Rendering is done in batches. Our poultry Waste Rendering Plants are designed for different capacities from 0.5 ton to 7.5 ton waste per batch.

 Features :

 Who Can Use Our Rendering Solutions

Chicken Processing Plants
Poultry Processing Plants
Meat processing plants
Waste Collection & Processing for Individuals / Companies